Sunday, February 7, 2010

when GDC smacks me on the face.

I think Math will haunt me until ever.
GDC sure is.

We had this Statistics exam a few days back, and it was sheer horror. Why? When you can't do Math coz you don't understand the language, of course you feel like an idiot.

"Irisan himpunan dengan himpunan Y"
What does that supposed to mean???

Padan muka siapa suruh tak dengar lecture betul betul =..=
(read: iya jadi nya gitu gara gara ga denger apa yang dikatakan oleh dosen)

Serves me right.
And my friends here are amused with THE GDC.

Satelite phone. AC remote. A lethal weapon.

Of course. I kill people with cubic graphs and Spongebob stickers on the GDC cover.

Mr Texas Instruments would be so proud of me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

feel free to follow but takda.. button nak follow ur blog.