Monday, February 8, 2010

between Rome and PBL.

Saya sedang siapkan PBL write-up.
Suddenly remembered this well-used phrase.

Rome wasn't built in a day.


They say when you do something great (Rome) it takes a long time, so don't stress if doing homework or studying takes a lot of time, in this case PBL write up.

*slaps own face*

HELLO Heni, FYI PBL write-ups isn't Rome. Kalau nak compare maybe it is like a pondok tunggu durian or something (apologi kepada people that builds great pondok tunggu durian, no offence)

And the length I observe, are so variable.
Ada yang type sampai 25 pages. Me, 10 pages pun dah like,
*light shining from above*.

I wonder whether the religion of copy-pasting and Google Translate contributes kepada pages yang sangat banyak itu. Well suka hati la it's your own right. Yang penting, belajar.
(Nak sedapkan hati)

Kalau dah malas tu malas la. It's my own fault.
And so I've learnt to....(macam CAS report nyer self introspection. Puke.)

Okay nak sambung buat pondok tunggu durian.
And I don't even eat durian =.="


itana said...

(apologi kepada people that builds great pondok tunggu durian, no offence)

ini sangat lawak. n dats very nice of u to even consider these people who build nice pondok durian :p

Aqeem Azam said...

y sgt pjg one pbl write up? mine mcm ToK je..1500..huhuhu..

finally da bitch has a blog! (im saying tis as a fren. dont get me!)

Heni Ezzawina said...

hihihi tried to find a worse one, but kalo ckp toilet tu mcm exagerrate sgt kannn. hihihi~

@aqeem azam aka GG
Mine mcm TOK draft je. kahkah~
and yes finally. hey it's an obligation to spread our "bitchy-ness" aite? kahkah~